How to balance your hormones naturally

My top tips to start balancing your hormones naturally:

1.   Focus on your nutrition! We want to communicate to our body and cells that we are safe and nourished. When we do this our body can prioritise ovulation and the production of progesterone and estrogen (which is crucial to our fertility and hormonal health). Your body is so incredibly smart and does not want to reproduce when you are under stress (be it undereating, imbalanced blood sugar, work, or relationship stress etc. your body cannot tell the difference between this and a tiger coming to eat you…aka no ovulation and baby making pls and thankyou). By focusing on nourishing your body regularly (I recommend every 3-4hrs) with balanced meals (protein, carbs, and fats) you can communicate to your body that you are safe, ready to ovulate and pump out awesome balanced hormones.

2.  Focus on your gut health! This is a big one because as Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut”. I truly believe this and believe healing your gut can be the gamechanger when it comes to healing your hormones. Gut health involves not only reducing foods that irritate your gut lining (can be gluten for some, refined sugar, excessive fibre intake etc.) and increasing gut healing foods such as gelatin, bone broth, collagen etc. We also want to increase our consumption of probiotics (yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, supplements) and prebiotics (garlic, banana, leek etc.).

3.  Increase consumption of anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, turmeric, green tea, salmon, coconut oil etc. Decrease consumption of inflammatory foods like alcohol, refined sugar, PUFA oils (canola, sunflower etc.). This doesn’t mean to eliminate them entirely (Restriction is not cool- life is meant to be enjoyed in balance), but to consciously check the foods you eat and be aware of how much you are consuming.

4.  Filtered water! If you can afford a water jug/filter I would recommend investing in one. The less chemicals we consume via out water the better.

5.  Reduce your use of chemicals in cleaning products, skincare, shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants. Check the labels- how many chemicals are you putting onto your skin each day? Can you find any more natural alternatives? Check below for my favourite deodorant!! All natural and works a treat (I am a sweaty individual so trust me when I say this works).

6.  Track your cycle- this one changed my life. To understand your cycle is to understand your inner health, femininity, and power. You can learn so much about your hormone health, ovulation etc. by tracking your cycle. I will share more on this in our next few emails.

7.  More self-care! Yes it’s time to look after yourself. To slow down and nourish your body and mind. Choose anything that brings you joy. For me its walks, massage, acupuncture, and Netflix (lol). Do something every day! Reduce the stress in your body and watch your hormones thankyou x

With love,

Chels x


Anti-inflammatory night-time tonic