Anti-inflammatory night-time tonic

Turmeric and Reishi Night-Time Tonic:

I absolutely adore turmeric and Reishi as a night-time tonic. I know this may seem alittle whacko but I can tell you with certainty this is a game-changer! Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Inflammation is a key component of many hormone, skin, and digestive issues so anything you can do to reduce inflammation in your body is a good idea. A main one is to eat a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods (think fruits, vegetables, bone broth, green tea, fish etc.). Turmeric is one that is super easy to incorporate into your diet and can really help improve your overall health. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, and this is absorbed to a greater extent with the help of black pepper! I typically have ½ tsp of turmeric and a pinch of black pepper in water every night.

Now if you are wanting to boost your immune system and deep sleep, I cannot recommend Reishi enough! Reishi is a mushroom that is known to enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, and lessen fatigue. I personally have felt incredible effects from taking this every night with my turmeric and black pepper (1/2 tsp). Be patient with this one- the effects accumulate over time. I use @superfeast Reishi and have really enjoyed it.

Who needs to try this night-time tonic?

Let me know if you do!

With love,

Chels x


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